Wynn Hotel and Casino has a Chinese Wine Award

A total of 23 winners spread across three divisions, receiving recognition from an esteemed panel of 27 internationally acclaimed wine judges at the world’s biggest Chinese Wine Awards of International Standard.

As the world’s biggest Chinese wine competition of international standard, the much-anticipated awards ceremony is part of Wynn’s ongoing commitment to showcase the highest quality wines from China on a global stage. Wynn will also host a ‘Wynn Signature Chinese Wine Month’ in May to celebrate Chinese wine excellence with a symphony of global gastronomy.

A panel of 27 internationally acclaimed wine judges, including seven Masters of Wines, three Master Sommeliers, winemakers, educators, journalists, hoteliers, and wine buyers, conducted a series of intensive blinder tastings assessing more than 700 submissions gathered from nearly 200 premium wineries. Eddie McDougall, Chair of Judges and three Vice Chairs – Fongyee Walker MW, Gus Zhu MW and Andrew Caillard MW – were among the highly respected panel of judges.

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