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  • UNIQUE HEADLINE: 8 words or less (maximum 75 characters)
  • Don’t use the same headline you provided to a wire service or other publications.
  • CONTENT LENGTH: Minimum 200 words, Maximum 300 words
    Travelwirenews is for the busy reader, and lengthy releases must be summarized.
  • NEWSWORTHY: Must be news and not promotional
  • TAGS: Leave blank or use relevant and search established tags
  • LINKS: Include one outbound link to a website without tracking codes. No links to actions (such as buy here). No links to online casinos, adult content, Crypto, or get-rich schemes.
    Please click here to read our content guidelines.
  • Include one internal link; otherwise, our editor will include one.
  • FEATURE PHOTO: Include one feature photo you have copyrighted.
  • ADDITIONAL PHOTO: No, Travelwirenews is a publication with short summaries of of press releases for the busy reader
  • After posting, your release will remain “pending” until our assignment editor releases it.