Holland America’s Rotterdam Tests Renewable Fuels

Holland America's Rotterdam Tests Renewable Fuels
Holland America's Rotterdam Tests Renewable Fuels

Holland America Line has initiated a long-term biofuel trial on its flagship, Rotterdam, utilizing 100% low carbon intensity biofuel during its voyage through the Norwegian World Heritage Fjords. The vessel was fueled with biofuel prior to departing from the Port of Rotterdam, the Netherlands, on April 27, 2024, and will run one of its four engines on low carbon intensity oil sourced from organic waste or residues that are certified in accordance with the EU Renewable Energy Directive while navigating through the Fjords. The sustainable biofuel, GoodFuels MR1-100, provided by FincoEnergies, is expected to result in an 86% reduction in life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions.

The ship’s first tests will take place on one of its four engines throughout the cruises scheduled for this month. There is a possibility of extending these tests to multiple engines during the summer, while the ship operates in the Norwegian World Heritage Fjords, namely Geirangerfjord and Nærøyfjord.

Biofuels originate from feedstocks that are confirmed as 100% organic waste or residue, guaranteeing no risk of land-use change or deforestation and no competition with food production. Derived from residual waste fats, oils, and grease from feedstock processing, biofuels are connected with minimal emissions during production. Consequently, this leads to an extremely low carbon intensity, resulting in an estimated 86% reduction in emissions compared to marine gas oil (MGO).

Holland America Line‘s current vessels run on biofuels without any alterations to the engine or fuel system. The company remains committed to collaborating with other businesses in order to discover methods of decreasing emissions and advancing alternative fuels and technologies.

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