SITA Launches SmartSea

SITA Launches SmartSea
SITA Launches SmartSea

SITA has introduced SmartSea in collaboration with Columbia Shipmanagement (CSM), a renowned ship manager and maritime service provider. SmartSea is a pioneering company that has the capability to revolutionize the maritime sector by enabling access to advanced technology, similar to what has already transformed the air transport industry. Concurrently, CSM becomes the inaugural client of SmartSea, allowing them to significantly enhance their operations through this state-of-the-art technology. This strategic move by SITA establishes its influential presence in the maritime industry, pushing boundaries and streamlining processes to enhance efficiency and profitability throughout the entire value chain.

SITA’s venture into the maritime industry showcases its determination and capability to drive digital innovation in a sector that can benefit significantly from solutions developed for the more technologically advanced air transport industry. The maritime and aviation sectors share similarities in terms of operating within a complex and heavily regulated global ecosystem, being capital-intensive, relying heavily on data and communication, and facing similar sustainability demands. Furthermore, ports and ship terminals encounter comparable challenges and opportunities as airports, with both requiring efficient management of crew, passengers, baggage, and freight within limited financial resources.

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