Hong Kong Exhibition Visitor Numbers Up by 560%

Hong Kong Exhibition Visitor Numbers Up by 560%
Hong Kong Exhibition Visitor Numbers Up by 560%

The latest annual exhibition survey released by the Hong Kong Exhibition & Convention Industry Association (HKECIA) highlights a positive trend in exhibition activities in Hong Kong following its reopening in 2022 post-pandemic, along with the resurgence of international business travelers to the city. With 125 large-scale exhibitions held in Hong Kong in 2023, marking a 30% increase from the previous year, there has been a notable growth in both exhibiting companies and visitor numbers.

Out of the 125 large-scale exhibitions, 73 were categorized under “Trade” and “Trade and Consumer”, which were the main focus of the survey. This number has seen a significant increase from 40 in late 2022, indicating the return of exhibitions to Hong Kong that were previously suspended or held outside the city due to COVID. The attendance at these exhibitions witnessed a remarkable year-on-year increase, with the number of participating companies surging by more than 400%, from under 9,000 to over 45,000. The growth in the number of visitors to the exhibitions was even more striking, with numbers rising by almost 560% to surpass the 1.4 million mark.

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