Japanese Dry Landscape Garden Opens at InterContinental Tokyo Bay

Japanese Dry Landscape Garden Opens at InterContinental Tokyo
Japanese Dry Landscape Garden Opens at InterContinental Tokyo

InterContinental Tokyo Bay, situated in Minato Ward, Tokyo, unveiled the Japanese Dry Landscape Garden within the Japanese Lounge. This serene oasis is exclusively available to guests staying in the Japanese Lounge Access Rooms. Additionally, InterContinental Tokyo Bay hotel has shared an official video showcasing the immersive Japanese cultural experience offered during guests’ stays.

The garden is designed to reflect the Japanese satoyama landscape, incorporating carefully shaped trees and seasonal flowers to represent the changing seasons of Japan.

To symbolize the natural flow of water, a Tsukubai representing “water gushing from the source” is placed at the garden’s center. Meanwhile, a karesansui (dry landscape) technique using sand patterns creates the illusion of rippling water and a gentle river flow in the foreground. The garden showcases the shimmering beauty of overflowing water and the varying expressions of plants throughout different times of the day and seasons.

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