New Family Summer Camp in Las Catalinas, Costa Rica

This specialized camp is designed to give families summer freedom through living like a local in Las Catalinas, a pedestrian-friendly beach front town.

New Family Summer Camp in Las Catalinas, Costa Rica
New Family Summer Camp in Las Catalinas, Costa Rica

Childhood summer vacations hold different meanings for different individuals, but the majority can understand the joy of experiencing a sense of liberation during those unstructured months and reminiscing about the bonding moments shared with family on those summer getaways. Recent findings from the 2023 US Family Travel Survey conducted by the Family Travel Association (FTA) indicate that the significance of family vacations remains strong. The research reveals that 81% of parents are inclined to travel with their children in the upcoming year.

Following the pandemic, international family travel is making a robust comeback, with summer continuing to be the favored period for family vacations. In an era where conversations are often replaced by screen time and technology, summer vacations provide families with an opportunity to connect with one another, exploring new destinations together where freedom and play await just outside their doorstep.

Las Catalinas, located on Costa Rica’s Gold Coast, is excited to introduce its inaugural Family Summer Camp. Our dedicated travel team will carefully craft a personalized 7-day itinerary for each family, ensuring an unforgettable experience filled with immersive cultural programs, thrilling wildlife and nature adventures, exciting outdoor activities, and much more.

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