New Hong Kong to Xining Flight on Hong Kong Airlines

New Hong Kong to Xining Flight on Hong Kong Airlines
New Hong Kong to Xining Flight on Hong Kong Airlines

Hong Kong Airlines has revealed plans to introduce a new route to Xining in Qinghai Province, with two weekly flights commencing on 9 July 2024. This direct flight service will enhance the connectivity between Hong Kong and mainland China.

Xining, located on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, plays a crucial role as a gateway connecting China’s eastern and western regions, including Tibet.

Xining was added to the Individual Visit Scheme (IVS) for travel to Hong Kong and Macau on 27 May. The introduction of a new direct flight service has made it much easier for local travelers to plan spontaneous trips to Hong Kong.

Additionally, this development provides an opportunity for residents of Hong Kong to explore cities in western China, immerse themselves in the distinctive cultural scenery of Xining and its environs, and foster cultural and economic exchanges between the two regions and international visitors.

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