New Istanbul to Denver Flight on Turkish Airlines

New Istanbul to Denver Flight on Turkish Airlines
New Istanbul to Denver Flight on Turkish Airlines

Turkish Airlines commenced its operations to the Americas in 1988, initially offering flights to New York. Over the years, the airline has steadily expanded its flight network and now includes Denver as its 14th destination in the United States of America. Effective from June 11, 2024, Turkish Airlines has scheduled three weekly flights to Denver, marking it as their 347th destination across 130 countries. Furthermore, starting from July 9, 2024, the frequency of flights will increase to four times a week. This expansion will significantly contribute to the tourism and trade volumes between the two countries, facilitating the transportation of numerous passengers annually on the Istanbul-Denver route.

The Chairman of the Board and the Executive Committee of Turkish Airlines, Ahmet Bolat, expressed his satisfaction with the addition of a new route to airline’s flight network. Turkish Airlines initiated its operations to the Americas on August 26, 1988, with flights to New York via Brussels. Six years later, on July 16, 1994, direct flights to New York were introduced. Presently, the airline offers direct flights to 14 destinations in the United States, including Denver.

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