Phenix Jet Cayman Sets New World Speed Record Between Tokyo and Los Angeles

Phenix Jet Cayman Sets New World Speed Record Between Tokyo and Los Angeles
Phenix Jet Cayman Sets New World Speed Record Between Tokyo and Los Angeles

Phenix Jet Cayman (Hong Kong) announced the setting of a new world speed record with its Bombardier Global 7500, completing a flight from Tokyo to Los Angeles in just 8 hours and 15 minutes. This accomplishment highlights the outstanding performance of the Global 7500 and the exceptional skills of the Phenix Jet teams.

In 2024, Phenix Jet Cayman achieved an impressive feat by setting seven world speed records on various city pairs and timings.

1. On March 6, 2024, the flight from Phoenix to Paris took approximately 8 hours and 30 minutes.

2. The journey from Los Angeles to Tokyo on April 2, 2024, lasted for about 10 hours and 28 minutes.

3. Tokyo to Los Angeles flight on April 4, 2024, had a duration of around 8 hours and 15 minutes.

4. The travel time from San Jose to Tokyo on April 9, 2024, was approximately 9 hours and 58 minutes.

5. The flight from New York to London on April 19, 2024, took about 5 hours and 53 minutes.

6. On April 23, 2024, the journey from London to New York lasted for approximately 6 hours and 40 minutes.

7. The flight from San Francisco to Tokyo on April 30, 2024, had a duration of around 9 hours and 53 minutes.

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