SUNx Initiates Climate Friendly Travel Africa Campaign, Commencing with Uganda

SUNx Initiates Climate Friendly Travel Africa Campaign, Commencing with Uganda
SUNx Initiates Climate Friendly Travel Africa Campaign, Commencing with Uganda

Over the past five years, SUNx Malta has been providing training to students through its postgraduate Climate Friendly Travel Diploma program. The aim of this program is to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to become champions and leaders in their respective countries. The students undergo more than 300 hours of learning and also participate in a one-year internship, during which they explore various aspects related to Paris 1.5 : SDG linked : Nature Positive, Tourism.

As part of our efforts, we have established around 100 Climate Friendly Travel Chapters, which are led by local champions. These chapters are overseen by our global chapter coordinators, who are based in Zimbabwe and Kenya.

The chapter leaders are trained to build a local community of Climate Friendly Travel enthusiasts. They are responsible for recruiting hotels, lodges, restaurants, tour operators, and other players in the tourism industry to join the CFT Registry. Together, they work towards developing local clean and green activities. Additionally, they provide support to the Climate Friendly Travel Club, which is designed for climate-conscious travelers. This club offers a unique “earth points” climate loyalty program.

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